
Renan Berto Cuevas (Unicamp) – Symmetric Killing tensors on Lie groups

Sourav Das (IISER Tirupati India)Moduli of Higgs bundles on stable curves

Wayne Ng Kwing King (Universidad de Zaragoza & Université de Pau) – Some Examples Of Free Divisors

Thibault Langlais (University of Oxford) – On the incompleteness of $G_2$-moduli spaces

Viktor Majewski (Humboldt University Berlin) – Resolutions of Spin(7)-Orbifolds

Raul Gonzalez Molina – Generalized Ricci flow and the Hull-Strominger system

Alan Muniz (Unicamp) – Foliations on Homogeneous Varieties

Otávio Cunha Oliveira  (Unicamp) – Topological methods and the existence/non-existence problem of Einstein metrics on homogeneous spaces

Andres Julian Moreno Ospina (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) – G2-instantons on Nilpotent Lie groups

Luis Portilla (UBO Brest) – Homogeneous G2 and Sasakian instantons on the Stiefel manifold

Julieth Paola Saavedra Ramirez (University Federal of Ceara) – G2-type real flag manifolds

Juan Sebastian Numpaque Roa (Universidade do Porto) – Tensor products of quiver bundles

Luiz Henrique Lara dos Santos (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) – On the stability of some vector bundles over flag manifolds

Tomás Silva (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) – Machine learning topology of contact Calabi-Yau 7-manifolds

Agnaldo da Silva Jr. (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) – Generalized Ricci flatness and special geometrical structures

Jakob Stein (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) – Instantons on the B7-family of G2-manifolds