Welcome to the BRIDGES meeting 2024!
This two-week meeting will consist of a summer school (first week) and a conference (second week), focused on current topics at the crossroads of complex algebraic geometry and Riemannian geometry.
WEEK 1: Summer school – this will consist of a series of lectures by four leading experts of a diverse selection of topics, complemented by supervised exercise sessions. The school is mainly (though not exclusively) intended at Ph. D. students and young researchers with an interest in gauge theory, special metrics in Kähler geometry, exceptional holonomy and various notions of stability and moduli spaces.

Spiro Karigiannis
University of Waterloo
➝ Flows of Geometric Structures, especially G2-Structures

Laurent Manivel
Senior Researcher CNRS
➝ G_2 and the exceptional Lie groups in complex projective geometry

Ruxandra Moraru
University of Waterloo
➝ Geometric aspects of gauge theory
WEEK 2: International Conference – the objective of the Bridges International Conference is to gather established specialists and young researchers around special geometries and moduli spaces.
Some of the topics will be manifolds with special holonomy (Calabi-Yau, G_2, Spin(7), Quaternionic Kahler, hyperKahler), instantons, various notions of stability (slope-stability, K-stability etc), together with the relevant moduli spaces.
The scientific range of the conference will extend from Algebraic and Differential Geometry to Geometric Analysis and applications to Physics.
- H. Abban (Nottingham, UK)
- I. Agricola (Marburg, Ger.)
- V. Benedetti (Nice, Fr)
- O. Biquard (Sorbonne, Fr)
- U. Bruzzo (SISSA, It)
- G. Comaschi (Univ. Pau, Fr)
- U. Fowdar (Unicamp, Br)
- M. Garcia Fernandez (ICMAT, Sp)
- O. Garcia-Prada (CSIC, Sp)
- M. Haskins (Duke, USA) TBC
- L. Ioos (Cergy, Fr)
- J. Lauret (Cordoba, Arg)
- J. Lotay (Oxford, UK)
- A. Napame (Unicamp, Br)
- A. Ortu (Gotheburg, Se)
- X. de la Ossa (Oxford, UK)
- R. Reboulet (Gotheburg, Se)
- C. Scarpa (Montreal, Can)
- P. Schwahn (Saclay, Fr)
- R. Sena-Dias (IST, Pt)
- J. Stoppa (SISSA, It)
- R. Terpereau (Lille, Fr)
- C. Tonnesen-Friedman (Union College Schenectady, USA)
- F. Trinca (London Imp. Coll., UK)
- J. Valles (Pau, Fr)
The event is part of project BRIDGES: Brazil-France interplays in Gauge Theory, extremal structures and stability, supported by grants Fapesp 2021/04065-6 and ANR PRCI (projet de recherche collaborative internationale) ANR-21-CE40-0017.
June 25th
to July 5th
Cargese, Corsica
The BRIDGES meeting in Gauge Theory, extreme structures and stability will be held at the Institut d’Études Scientifiques of Cargèse, Corsica, a beautiful coastal town known for its stunning scenery and rich history.